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Our professionals are knowledgeable of the many residential asset types. Here is a list of the specialties our professionals provide. More details can be found in each of our professional's bios.
Whether you're a first-time buyer or a seasoned investor who needs a refresher on how transactions work, here are some answers to the most often asked questions.
The first step in the home-buying process is to get pre-approved for a mortgage. Obtaining a lender's pre-approval letter sets the ball rolling in the correct way.
Buying a home takes roughly 10 to 12 weeks from start to finish (from searching online to closing escrow). The average time to close escrow on a home is 30 to 45 days after a home is chosen and an offer is accepted (under normal market conditions). However, cash-paying home purchasers who are well-prepared have been known to purchase properties much faster.
The listing broker compensates buyers' agents (also known as buyer's agents) for bringing purchasers to the table. The listing broker splits the listing fee with the buyer's agent when the home is sold. As a result, buyers do not compensate their representatives.
The average down payment in the United States is 11%. However, this figure includes both first-time and recurrent purchasers.
If the equity in your current home will be used to pay for the down payment on your new home, the former must be sold first.
It's entirely up to you! Home buying is, without a doubt, easier today than it has ever been. The opportunity to browse for homes online and view photos before leaving the comfort of your own home has dramatically transformed the home-buying process. Convenience has never been higher. But nothing beats seeing a house in person to get a sense of how it looks and feels.
The timeframe in which the seller must react should be specified in written offers. It should be enough to give them twenty-four hours.
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